Michelle Vendor Instructions - Michelle INSTRUCTIONS TO APPOINT KENT CONVEYANCING TO ACT ON A SALE Name D.O.B MM slash DD slash YYYY AddressMobileHomeWorkEmail Name D.O.B MM slash DD slash YYYY AddressMobileHomeWorkEmail Are you an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident Yes No Would you like to nominate another person for us to correspond with if you are unavailable? Yes, relationship to you: No Relationship to you: Do you both hold full mental capacity? Yes No Who referred you to KC? REAL ESTATE, WHO IS INVOLVED?Agency Name Agency Branch Email Sales Agent PhoneYOUR MORTGAGE:Who do you owe money to? How much approximately is owing? Loan account/ reference numbers;BSB Acc# Name of Bank Name of banker or loan officer? PhoneEmail Name of Broker PhoneEmail Do you need to payout any other loan, facility, or person from the settlement? Ie second mortgage, caveat, personal finance? Yes No Are you purchasing another property? Yes No Property addressAre you refinancing another property? Yes No If so, do these need to settle on the same day as your sale? Yes No YOUR PROPERTYWhat is the address of the property you are selling?Property Owners name/s if names are different on title Who lives in the property now? You, the owner Tenant Family member or friend Managing agent Lease expiration date MM slash DD slash YYYY Tenant fixtures Known breaches of RTA Are you? Moving out prior to settlement Selling with the tenant Renting back, if so, for how long? Serving notice on the tenant to vacate WHAT TYPE OF PROPERTY ARE YOU SELLING? House Vacant Land Unit Townhouse Commercial Industrial Community title Strata Unregistered Land Unregistered off the plan development Is there more than 3 stories to the apartment building? Yes No Who is managing the strata/community? Name of Strata Manager/Community Manager/Secretary: PhoneEmail HOME BUILDING LEGISLATION1. Are you aware of any current or proposed special levy? Yes No 2. Are you aware of any current or intended works to commence on the complex or its surrounds? Yes No 3. Is the property a NEW HOME? Yes No 4. What other structures are on the land? garage/carport/swimming pool/spa/granny flat/deck/septic system/other? 5. When did you purchase the house? 6. When do understand the structures to have been built? 7. Have you or someone on your behalf carried out structural alterations or additions to the original structure of the home? Or added additional garages, carports, granny flat? 8. If yes, who did the building work? 9. What building work was done? 10. Was the building work approved by Council? Yes No Unsure Built by previous owners 11. Is sale subject to works being completed or an occupation issuing? Yes No *If a final inspection for works has not been carried out, please contact council to arrange.12. Was the work done pursuant to an owner builder permit? If so, did the market value of the works exceed $20,000.00 Yes No 13. Do any structures sit on adjoining land ie. Fences/ retaining walls? Yes No 14. Are you aware of any encroachment issues? Yes No 16. Do you hold the following? a. Final inspection certificate Yes No b. Occupation certificate Yes No c. Construction certificate/development approval Yes No d. Homeowner warranty insurance Yes No e. Owner builder permit Yes No 17. Do you think there has been any extensions or additions to the original structure of the home? 18. Is there a Swimming Pool or Spa? Yes No 19. Do you hold a swimming pools certificate of compliance or non-compliance (please note that this must be attached to the contract and in place BEFORE the property can be marketed)? Yes No 20. Has the swimming pool been registered? 21. Are you aware of any work order issued (or that will issue) by a statutory authority requiring work on the property, the swimming pool & surrounds, or any aspect of the property whatsoever? 22. Are you aware of any structure on the land that has been built without council approval or not in accordance with development approval? When do you want settlement to occur? 28 days 35 days 42 days 56 days subject to Probate subject to development approval/registration of plan of subdivision Other specified date or a date that is triggered/dependent upon another transaction? MM slash DD slash YYYY 23. Do you hold all keys to all lockable keys and doors? Yes No 24. Is there rubbish, building materials, debris or large items lying in, under or around the buildings? 25. Are there any approved or proposed development approvals for the property or a nearby property? 26. Does the property have a shared driveway or laneway nearby? 27. Do you access the property from any location other than the street frontage? 28. Are specifically concerned about any aspect of the sale or are you aware of any material facts that an intending purchaser may wish to know? 29. Are there any items that you do not wish to take with you? i.e furniture (note that this can include stored items under the house): 30. Do you wish to remove (unbolt) any items (fixtures) and take them with you? Yes No INCLUSIONSInclusions Curtains Solar panels Blinds Light fittings Fixed floor coverings Insect screens Built in wardrobes Dishwasher Stove Range hood Clothesline TV Antenna Ceiling Fans Sails Auto Garage Door + remote(no.) BBQ – Built In Ducted Vacuum Fireplace/slow combustion fire Security System Shutters - internal Shutters - external Whiz Bin Water tank/s External awnings Pool equipment Air Conditioner Other Air Conditioner Ducted Split system wall mounted + remote Other Exclusions (list)Are there any Tv’s attached to the walls? Yes No Are any inclusions (such as solar panels) secured under a credit contract? Yes No TAXATION ISSUESDo you pay Land Tax? Yes No If yes, we shall include a Land Tax adjustment in the Contract for you If the property IS NOT your principal place of residence, please answer the following:33. Do you develop/renovate properties? Yes No 34. Is the property new or substantially renovated premises? Yes No 35. Are you registered or required to be registered for GST? Yes No 36. Is the sale liable for GST? Yes No is GST included in the price? Or in addition? a. Can you apply the Margin scheme? Yes No b. GST withholding required Yes No Please seek advice from your Accountant in relation to any concern of a taxation nature i.e CGT liability, requirement to be registered for GST, GST withholding etc *Initial fee of $550.00 payable on commencement of matter. Please transfer to: BSB: 650 000 Account no: 544660605 SURNAME as reference Kindly note your file will note be opened without payment Credit Card PaymentName on Card: Date received MM slash DD slash YYYY Card Number AmountEXP Date CVC I hereby declare that the information provided above, is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge as of the date stated below, and any changes I/we are made aware of between now and the completion of the matter in question will be provided to KENT Conveyancing at the time of being made aware.Signed Signed Name Name Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ