Kent Conveyancing
63 & 63A Main RoadBOOLAROO 2284
2/102 Tudor StreetHAMILTON 2303
Name 1
Name 2
Postal Address following settlement:
Have you appointed an attorney to act on your behalf on your sale? (if so please forward a certified copy of the Power of Attorney) YesNo If yes, what is their relationship to you?
Does vendor have full legal capacity? YesNo Is there an enduring POA? YesNo
Who referred you to KENT Conveyancing: Has KENT Conveyancing acted for your previously? YesNo
Agency Name Agency Branch Sales Agent Agent Email Agent Phone
Property Purchasing Address
Please select which type HouseVacant LandUnit TownhouseCommercial IndustrialUnregistered LandStrataOff the plan Are there any other Structures/improvements on the land? YesNoShedCarportGarageDeckGarden shedOther If other, please specify:
Is the property strata title? YesNo Is the property community title? YesNo If so, please provide details: Strata Manager/Community Manager/Secretary - Name: Email
Is the vendor aware of any current or proposed special levy? YesNo Has any work been started or commenced on the strata units of which a special levy could apply by has not as yet been struck? YesNo
Vacant PossessionSubject to tenancy Are there existing tenants in the property? YesNo Has tenant added any fixtures to the property? YesNo Has the lease expired? YesNo Managing agents name? Do you have stored items in the property? ☐ YesNo
ResidentialRuralIndustrialCommercialRetail Is the property your principal place of residence? YesNo
28 days56 days42 days56 days If other, subject to Probatesubject to development approval/registration of plan of subdivision
Is there a mortgage/caveat/debt registered on the property?YesNo Mortgagee/Bank: Name on loan: Approximate amount owing on the property? Loan account/ reference numbers; BSB Loan account/ reference numbers; Account Is there a second mortgage or caveat? YesNo
Please tick all inclusions CurtainsDucted VacuumBlindsSecurity SystemLight fittingsShutters – internalShutters – externalFixed floor coveringsInsect screensWhiz BinBuilt in wardrobesDishwasherPool equipmentStoveRange hoodAir Conditioner DuctedAir Conditioner Split systemAir Conditioner Wall mountedAir Conditioner RemoteClotheslineTV AntennaCeiling FansSailsAuto Garage DoorAuto Garage Door Remote Any other inclusions?
Exclusions, please list:
Do you wish to remove any fixtures? YesNo Are there any Tv’s attached to the walls? YesNo Are any inclusions (such as solar panels) secured under a credit contract? YesNo
10%5%Deposit BondOther If other, deposit
Do you pay Land Tax? YesNo If yes do you require a Land Tax adjustment to be included in the Contract: YesNo If yes, please forward details of your Land Tax liability ie notice of assessment from the Taxation office. If the property IS NOT your principal place of residence, please answer the following: Do you develop or renovate properties? YesNo Is the property new or substantially renovated premises? YesNo Are you registered or required to be registered for GST? RegisteredNot required Is the sale liable for GST? YesNo If YES, please answer: GST included in the price? YesNo Margin scheme applies YesNo GST withholding required? YesNo Please seek advice from your Accountant in relation to any concern of a taxation nature ie CGT liability, requirement to be registered for GST, GST withholding etc
A - Not made in the course or furtherance of an enterprise that the vendor carries on (section 9-5b)
B - By a vendor who is neither registered not required to be registered for GST (section 9-5d)
C- GST-free because the sale is the supply of a going concern under section 38-325
D- GST-free because the sale is subdivided farm land or farm supplied for farming under Subdivision 38-O
E- Input taxed because the sale is of eligible residential premises (sections 40-65, 40-75 (2) and 195-1)
When was the house purchased by you: When were the structures on the land built:: Have you or someone on your behalf carried out structural alterations or additions to the structures since they were first erected? YesNo If yes, who did the building work? What building work was done? Was the building work approved by Council? YesNoUnsureBuilt by previous owners If so, please provide more details Did the building work have a final inspection stipulating that the works were done in accordance with the approval? YesNo Have any structures been built differently to what was approved by council even in the slightest way?YesNo Is sale subject to works being completed or an occupation issuing?YesNo *If a final inspection for works has not been carried out, please contact council to arrange. Was the work done pursuant to an owner builder permit? If so did the market value of the works exceed $20,000.00? YesNo Are you aware of any illegal or unapproved building works carried out on the property? YesNo Do any structures sit on adjoining land ie. Fences/ retaining walls? YesNo If yes, please provide details of structures: Are you aware of any encroachment issues? YesNo *please note that as a vendor selling property in NSW, you provide the purchaser with a statutory warranty that a work or demolition order would not be served on the property by a Government Authority and that there are no encroachment issues. If you are aware of illegal building works or encroachment issues, these should be disclosed in the contract or the purchaser may have rights of rescission under the contract.
Do you have a survey or building certificate? YesNo
Please forward the following documents to our office (where applicable): 1. Current rates notice 2. Current Electricity or Utility account 3. Copy of loan documentation if you have a mortgage (showing, your name loan account number and the property) 4. Copies of documents from when you purchased the property 5. Owner builder permit if applicable 6. Final inspection/occupation certificate & copies of council approvals 7. Swimming pool certificate of compliance or non-compliance 8. Approval to operate septic system if applicable
Have you received any notice from the council or any other state federal or local authorities in relation to the property at any time during ownership? YesNo If yes, please provide details:
Is the property connected to the sewer? YesNo If no, is there a septic system installed on the property? YesNo ** If yes, please provide a copy of the unconditional approval to operate septic together with the details of the last inspection.
Does the property occupy a swimming pool or outdoor spa? YesNo If yes, when was the swimming pool built? If yes, who built the swimming pool? If yes, does the pool comply with current regulations? **Please provide certificate of compliance or non-compliance for annexure to your Contract for Sale
Does the access to the property come from the street that it is on? YesNo Does it have a shared driveway? StreetShared Driveway
Are there any or have you had any previous disputes with the neighbours or are you aware of any disputes within the neighbourhood? YesNo If yes, please provide details: Will you be purchasing another property? YesNo Will the purchase be dependent on the sale? YesNo Purchase Price: Agent Purchasing with:
Are there any other issues you think you may need to disclose? YesNo If yes, please provide details:
I hereby declare that the information provided above, is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge as of the date stated below, and any changes I/we are made aware of between now and the completion of the matter in question will be provided to KENT Conveyancing at the time of being made aware. Signed 1 Date 1 Signed 2 Date 2